Diane Jenks

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to these beneficiaries, please follow the link to their website:

In Loving Memory of Diane Jenks.

Page Closed on 20 November 2015

Donations have been requested for more than one beneficiary. Please choose the one you wish to support by selecting the 'donate' button underneath the name. A form will open for you to make your donation and leave a message.

Salvation Army - Bedford

Cancer Research UK

*  Gift Aid, if applicable, will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£460.00 + £76.04 Gift Aid potential

Mrs. Barbara Jenks

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK

Mrs. Barbara Jenks

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford

Sally and Roger Davies

I shall miss our friendly chats and Diane's kind nature. Sympathy to Ian and all the family.

online donation
Cancer Research UK

Pauline,Carole & Sue (Keech Stall)

Diane a lovely lady.

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK

Nicky and Dave Tinker

From the Tinker family. Love and sympathy to all the family

online donation
Cancer Research UK


online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford

Tom Batt

Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. Love, The Batt Family

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK

Ann and Ian Carr

Gone much too soon and will always be remembered. Our thoughts are with the family and extended family.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK


£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford

Jim & Linda Roche

One of the kindest people we have known, who we miss as a good friend and neighbour. Rest in peace Diane

£45.00 + £10.69 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK


Diane will always be remembered as a loving and friendly person to all who knew her.

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford

Barrie & Mary Jenks

After the tears have dried and the goodbyes have been said, all we have to hold onto are the happy memories that we've shared with our loved ones who have passed, this is what keeps them alive in our hearts and in our minds, and they will continue to live on, through us. Our condolences.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation
Cancer Research UK

Elvira pedder

I will miss your passing smile and chit chat Di My thoughts are wth all the family Sincere regards Elvira

online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford


online donation
Salvation Army - Bedford

Neville Funeral Service

01582 490005