Margaret Ward

Passed away on 20 June 2024, aged 89 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Please leave donations here for Alzheimer's Society in memory
of Margaret.

(John Heath & Sons make no charge for this service, nor
do they receive any commission)

Page Closed on 20 August 2024

Alzheimer's Society


£310.00 + £61.76 Gift Aid

Latia Hamdi

In loving memory of a beautiful, cheerful and kind soul Margaret. Thoughts and prayers sweet angel. xXx (Jo hairstylist)

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Sue and Philip Bloomberg

In loving memory of our wonderful cousin and lifelong friend Margaret She was such a lovely kind and thoughtful person and she is sadly missed by us. All our love from Sue Philip and all the family xxx

online donation

Sara Grantham

In memory of my dear friend's lovely mum xx

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Val, Paul Sophie Daniel and Fraser

Always in our hearts ♥️

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Michael Ward

Lots of love Mike & Mary xxxxxxxxxxx

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

John Heath & Sons**

0114 272 2222