Betty Clarke
We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:
Of Biddestone, passed away peacefully on 1st April 2017, aged 102 years.
Funeral Service at West Wiltshire Crematorium,Semington, on Tuesday 11th April at 10.45am. No flowers please.
Donations in memory of Betty for Alzheimers Research UK can be made here, where your generosity can be increased with the benefit of Gift Aid.
Donations may also be sent care of Bewley & Merrett Funeral Directors, 57a Pickwick Road, Corsham, SN13 9BS.
Page Closed on 16 May 2017
Alzheimer's Research UK
Learn more about us
Alzheimer's Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity dedicated to diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure.
Backed by our passionate scientists and supporters, we're challenging the way people think about dementia, bringing together the people and organisations who can speed up progress, and investing in cutting-edge research.
We believe that medical research can and will deliver life-changing preventions, treatments and one day, a cure for dementia. Alzheimer's Research UK exists to make this happen and with your support, we'll make life-changing breakthroughs possible.
Charity Registration No. 1077089
£0.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Learn more about us
AJB Funerals lead by Aaron and Jonathon Bewley is an independent, family-run, award winning funeral directors that has served the local community for almost three decades. They are collectively committed to providing a caring and sensitive service to the bereaved and their loved ones for many years to come, while embracing new ways of meeting the changing needs of the local community.