Carole Bardsley

Passed away on 20 April 2024, aged 86 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

All donations in memory of Carole will be forwarded to benefit Macmillan Cancer Support.

Page Closed on 01 July 2024

Macmillan Cancer Support


£180.00 + £42.75 Gift Aid

Elizabeth Ronald

Wicken Green village and Syderstone, coffee morning, book club, craft group ,and thursday market friends, Raised Funds for Caroles memory as she wished. we all miss Carole so much, a lady who worked hard for the community with generosity, humour and commitment ,and a great friend to so many. Thank you Carole.

online donation

Allcock Family Funeral Services

01603 766 996