Christine Coe

Passed away on 02 January 2024, aged 79 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Please leave donations here for Support Dogs in memory of the late Christine Coe.(Tomlinson & Windley make no charge for this service, nor do they receive any commission)

Page Closed on 21 February 2024

Support Dogs

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£315.00 + £60.62 Gift Aid potential

Trendy & Pikey

R.I. P Christine

online donation

Jane Hodge

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Becky smith

Loved by many and will be missed greatly. Rest easy Christine xxx

online donation

Jean Watson

Sending all Christine's family my love at this very sad time, a very worthy cause.xx

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Steve Sewell

RIP Christine Marg n Steve xx

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Karen Warren

Such a sad loss Alicia, sending lots of love to family. This is such a worthy cause xxx

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Claire Loversidge

Such sad news to hear. Condolences to all the family.

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Lynne howe

Lovely Chris you'll be missed xxx

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Lynne Rawlin

Sending lots of love & hugs

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Maxine Russell

Sending all my love to you all, we will all miss Aunty Chris xxxx

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation

Matt, Irene, Ben, Will and Judy

Sending lots of love to you all. Xx

online donation

Gwenda & Paul Miles

Chris, thank you so much for the many special memories and laughs over the years, night, godbless, sleep tight, love gwens & Paul xx

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation

Jeannine; David & Lee Eastwood

Such a loss will be a great miss... heartbroken doesn't even begin to cover it.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Sheila Bush

Fabulous memories of a beautiful lady ❤️

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Mark and Louisa

Forever in our thoughts Christine.❤️

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Alicia, Julian, Jake, Phoebe & Buddy

Our beautiful mum/nan, our hearts are broken into a million pieces. Lucky we have so many happy memories & we love you forever. Rest in peace, I hope the Captain has a wine or gin lined up for you, night god bless rock chick xxxx

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Christine & Gordon

Fond memories of a special lady Christine - part of our Tenerife family happy days . Godbless

online donation

Tina Christ

Sending lots of love and hugs. Lovely lady

online donation

Tomlinson & Windley Funeral Service**

0114 266 1726