David Bernard

Passed away on 20 December 2023, aged 52 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Please leave donations here for the Kidney Research UK in memory of the late David Bernard.(Tomlinson & Windley make no charge for this service, nor do they receive any commission)

Page Closed on 14 February 2024

Kidney Research UK


£20.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid

Mandy Ashton

£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
online donation

Jayne Whitaker

The kindest and most caring man I have ever met . I miss you David and I will see you again one day xxx

online donation

Tomlinson & Windley Funeral Service**

0114 266 1726