Dennis Roy Stone

Passed away on 23 January 2021, aged 75 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

The family would like to thank you for your thoughts, messages, telephone calls and continued support at this difficult time

Page Closed on 19 March 2021

Alzheimer's Society


£700.00 + £116.41 Gift Aid

Tina Butler

Thinking of you all, love from The Butler's. x

£60.00 + £14.25 Gift Aid
online donation

Bet Cockburn

In our thoughts. x

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Joan Sacre

Thinking of you all, love Joan. x

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation

Brenda Hymas

Always in our thoughts, from Brenda & Doug x

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Virginia Bates

Will miss your laughter.

online donation

Colin and Lesley

We are sorry for your loss. Dennis was a great friend., never to be forgotten. Thinking of you all at this sad time

online donation

Dan Miles

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Gerry, Pam and Gerard

A kind and thoughtful friend with a fabulous sense of humour, we will always remember you with a smile. You are sadly missed and our thoughts are with all the family.

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation

Amanda & Kevin Timothy

Such a memorable man who always made us laugh and has left us with some very funny memories, it truly was a pleasure knowing Dennis. He will be deeply missed and our thoughts and love are with all the family x

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Andrew James Ludlow

W'll miss you. You know what I mean.

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Caroline & Colin

In memory of Dennis

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Shelley Martinsen

Dear Dennis and family, Thank you for welcoming me into your home as Lee's nursery/primary school friend all those years ago. I have fond memories of you from those times. You always put a smile on my face because i always knew you were about to make me laugh. A charismatic man with a fantastic sense of humour. And not least you always had some sound advice to give if needed. A hard worker and a creative thinker. The art and passion expressed through your diverse projects, namely your family home was inspirational, - loved being there with you all. I'm sorry that you are no longer with us in body, however you'll live on in everyone's hearts. Rest peacefully Dennis. Bye only for now. Shelley

online donation

Mel & Cliff

I have such fond memories from over the years, you were always so kind and caring. It was always great to see you and I will never forget the one and only time you persuaded me to eat jellied eels!!! You were always such great company and made me and Cliff laugh on many occasions with your stories. You will be truly missed. Mel & Cliff xx

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Luke and bonnie

A special friend and drinking partner will be sadly missing by all especially his moaning. Thinking of you all at this sad time Luke and bonnie

online donation

Tony and Jean Cornell

We have lovely memories of so many Sundays spent with Dennis at the car shows. Such a lovely friendly man who will be missed so much. Jean and Tony ( Luke's mum and dad ).

online donation

Jeff & Leanne and the Hillier family

Such a special man and a fantastic friend to our whole family for 60 years. Things will never be the same without Dennis around. He genuinely was the most kind hearted generous person you could ever be lucky enough to know. Unique and muched loved. Rest well my friend.

online donation

Bob and Pat Hayes

We may not have been close, but I was always proud that you were my cousin.

£40.00 + £9.50 Gift Aid
online donation


Thoughts are with you at this sad time.

online donation

Lakehouse Lake Project

In loving memory of Dennis Stone, Chairman of the Lakehouse Lake Project with thanks for all the hard work for the Jubilee Pond.

online donation

Fred and Chris

With deepest sympathy. Thinking of you at this sad time.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Keith Osborne

Our thoughts and love to you all and also from all at the Lakehouse Lake Project. Love Keith Janet and Ian x

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation

Sarah Yeomans

Dearest Lee, Olive, Sam and Simone, I'm so terribly sad to hear about the passing of your beloved dad Dennis. You're all in my thoughts and I'm sending all of my love and prayers at this difficult time. With love always, Sarah xxx

£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation

A & C Tadman Ltd

Hemel: 01442 262700
Bow: 0207 790 4097