James Roger Thacker

Passed away peacefully on 27 February 2023, aged 90 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Donations gratefully received in memory of Roger will benefit the British Heart Foundation and further their valuable work.

Page Closed on 17 April 2023

British Heart Foundation

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£325.00 + £53.44 Gift Aid potential

David, Ewa, Isabella and Harvey

Like a cat with nine lives! 90 is a very impressive age, well done Roger! We're so pleased that you packed your retirement with many global adventures. We will miss you and especially your war-time stories. May you rest in peace.

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Jane, Tim, Will & Emily Fowler

In memory of Roger; stepfather to Jane, grandad to Will and Emily, and father-in-law to Tim. May you rest in peace. With love from us all.

online donation

Ann Somerville

From John & Enid Fisher, thank you "I am grateful that Roger was part of my life" PJF

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Ann Somerville

From David Bull, thank you

£5.00 + £1.19 Gift Aid
online donation

Ann Somerville

You were a Trooper to the last Roger. May you now rest in peace. Love from Ann x

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Funeral Service

Date & Time: Monday 20 Mar 2023 at 10:45 AM

Location: New Forest Crematorium, Stem Lane, New Milton, UK, BH25 5FH

Request by Family:

if using a Sat Nav to navigate to the New Forest Crematorium, please input postcode as BH25 5SZ


Miller Bros. & F. P. Butler Limited

01202 485 439