Margarita Hawkins

Passed away on 28 October 2023, aged 86 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Page Closed on 15 December 2023

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£60.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid potential

Mr & Mrs Webber

Truly sad at the loss of my friend Maggie, thinking of you all. With love, Kathleen & Peter Webber, Tyrone, Michelle, Sharone and Hayley xxxxxx

online donation

George Scott & Sons Funeral Services

Somerset Funeral Home: 01202 395 827
North Bournemouth Funeral Home: 01202 578 079