Maria Kyprianou

Passed away on 29 October 2023, aged 86 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Maria Kyprianou, suffered from Lipoedema for much of her life unaware of the condition, which has only been recognised by the health services in recent years. It was a debilitating condition for Maria which severely affected the quality of her life. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we announce the death of our very dear mum, grandmother and great-grandmother Maria Kyprianou who passed away on 29th October 2023 at the age of 86. Maria was known for her love and kindness to her family and friends. She will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts and is now reunited with her beloved husband Ermis.

Page Closed on 15 December 2023

Lipoedema UK

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£900.00 + £168.63 Gift Aid potential

Donations at Funeral

Thank you to all who Donated at Mum's funeral

£520.00 + £123.50 Gift Aid
online donation

Ciara, John, Tom & Abigail

Our deepest condolences to you all. Maria was a wonderful neighbour.

£40.00 + £9.50 Gift Aid
online donation

Wendy Snewing

Beautiful Mary I will cherish your memory in my heart RIP xxxx

online donation

Suzanne Ratchford

Thinking of you dear Helen and all the family on the loss of your Mum, Nan and Great Nan and sending love and best wishes. Love Sue Mike Jemma Chris Kirstie and Adam xxxxxx

£40.00 + £9.50 Gift Aid
online donation

Androulla Miltiadou

In loving memory of our wonderful Mary, who will live in our hearts forever, along with her beloved Ermis.

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Andreas & Artemis Harka

RIP theia Maritsa

online donation

Mary Antona

My sincere condolences to you all. My thoughts are with you.

online donation

Andrew Aresti

To Lenia, Cyp and Family, Our Deepest Sympathies at the passing of your Dear Mother Maria from Andrew and Dem Aresti and Family

online donation

Jo & Christos Chrysanthou

Sending our condolences Cyp and family xx in memory of your dear mum xx

online donation

Memory Giving

0118 979 9633