Patricia Smith

Passed away on 30 March 2024, aged 81 years.

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Page Closed on 05 June 2024

Dementia UK


£250.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid

Marguerite Walter, Ken Herman and Pam Martin

Trisha has been a great friend and colleague over the years and will be sadly missed by all her friends. On a personal note I, Pam, would like to add how patient she was when I was learning to drive and we would drive around the center of Rome in my tiny Fiat 500. She would make it fun by saying" just imagine you are in the fairground in England and on the Dodgems" I passed my test first time. With love Marguerite, Ken and Pam.

online donation

George Scott & Sons Funeral Services

Somerset Funeral Home: 01202 395 827
North Bournemouth Funeral Home: 01202 578 079